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  • What is Century 21?

    Century 21 is the storehouse of ideas. It collects ideas from the user and from the guest and keep here for other's reviews.

  • How this work?

    Here you can share your idea by clicking on Add an Idea. After writing your idea you will submit it here. Then the administrator of century 21 will approve it and the idea will be published. Other user can rate an idea by writing their reviews about the idea.

  • Why Post?

    If you want to share your ideas with the world or if you want to justify your ideas according the the ideas of other, then you will post here. The other will read it and make a comments or reviews about your idea.

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Ideas on Century 21

Web Diary

Daily Diary @ Web
We cannot imagine how beneficial can be the writing of a Daily Diary. Beneficial for our character, beneficial for our organisation and program of things. And because Web has invaded our lives , everybody will use the Web in few years. We designed a site with different features , customisable differently for each user, having the ability to be used combined with Facebook as well. Ofcourse more resourses for advertisement are needed. Write your ideas.
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Date added: 2010-06-23 08:26:41    Hits: 10891
For me this sound perfect
by This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
on July 9, 2010
Congrats for all the Ideas and the Site! This specific Idea and Site of Daily Diary @ Web , when you complete it I wanna be part of it, I want to be your No 1 customer lol! honestly i keep diary since i was 10 and this now could be very helpful, and even if you can make it easy to connect with I-phone or other applications as well it would be perfect!
June 23, 2010
The Entry has been updated in the meantime!
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